Neurofeedback is a solution that takes advantage of the brain’s ability to change (neuroplasticity) by identifying poor-performance areas of the brain and retraining those areas to function at optimal levels through brain exercises and other interventions. Through training specific areas of the brain, you will create new neurons and neural pathway which allows you to self-regulate your brainwaves for better concentration, improved mental acuity, and a more even temperament. Neurofeedback is a powerful, non-invasive technique that trains the brain to perform at peak performance levels.
Neurofeedback is a leading-edge brain therapy method that’s both safe and natural. It is a researched method proven to reshape and improve brain functioning creating lasting solutions for individuals suffering from ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Addiction, Memory Loss, Behavior, Concussion, PTSD, Poor Performance, dyslexia, and other learning problems.
What does it help with
Over 40 years of basic and applied research demonstrates the efficacy of Neurofeedback for ADHD. ADHD is widely viewed as being associated with inattentiveness, difficulty organizing or completing tasks, impulsivity, restlessness, and hyperactivity.
Neurofeedback is a treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD) as well as other behaviors that manifest as dysregulation Neurofeedback is uniquely suited to addressing the neuronal dysregulation typically seen in the Frontal Lobes of the Brain. The most common pattern is a slowing of brainwave activity which is the opposite of what is desirable when attention and concentration are required. This generally means the area is under-activated and is using less glucose and oxygen than it should. Some individuals will fall asleep or enter into a daydreaming state in 90 seconds if forced to attend a boring stimulus.
Adults diagnosed with ADHD also experience similar difficulties because they don’t absorb important information and frequently make errors, like forgetting important deadlines or requests. This can have a profound impact on interpersonal relationships, job performance, and quality of life.
Brain training addresses the underlying issues in brain performance that lead to difficulty concentrating, impulsiveness, and disorganization. By addressing the root causes, our brain-based training leads to sustained changes and reduction in symptoms.
Depression is seen more as an end-stage of anxiety by many neurofeedback therapists. The body can maintain high levels of central nervous system hyperarousal for only so long. Eventually, the system begins to weaken and in response protects itself. Just as an arm that receives an injury may become stiff to naturally reduce its use and allow for healing, the brain slows down to protect itself from exhausting its resources on anxiety. A short mild depression is not necessarily a bad thing or an abnormal thing for most people, as The rigors of work, school, and relationships lead us all to experience periods of anxiety, depression, and stress. But when it goes on for more than two weeks and begins to undermine our daily living, then it is a serious problem. For some, it can even end in death. The dysregulated areas of the brain are first identified through brain mapping, through subsequent training, the brain learns to regulate and in turn reduces the symptoms, giving lasting relief.
Anxiety is marked by a chronically hyperaroused central nervous system. In a majority of cases, disposition towards anxious behavior is genetic in origin. Complex trauma to the central nervous system or prolonged stress can result in chronic anxiety and/or panic attacks. Anxiety reduces immune system function, impairs working memory, creates attentional problems, and generates a wide variety of physical symptoms that vary from person to person. Individuals tend to block out the feelings of anxiety over time, but the physical stress it creates for the body continues to increase until physical problems develop. Quite often physical health problems are due to chronic anxiety.
Anxiety results in an overactive brain leading to worry, excessive negative rumination, and hypervigilance leading to chronic increased brain activity and excessive consumption of oxygen, glucose, neurotransmitters, and nutrients by the brain. This is fast brain waves dominance which is, in contrast, to slow brain waves in depression.
The goal of neurofeedback is to slow down the fast brain waves to operate in a more optimal zone of functioning. Brain training allows the brain to grow networks that help it regulate itself better long term. Leading to the normalization of brain waves. The symptoms of anxiety progressively dissipate as the individual trains and the brain normalizes functions.
After a concussion or traumatic brain injury (TBI), it is common to experience headaches, fatigue, memory loss, mood changes, and attention issues that can last for years if left untreated. Neurofeedback promotes the growth of new brain cells and connections in those areas and helps memory loss patients recover their lost memories while also improving their ability to function more effectively in the present. Once trained, many clients regain their quality of life before the injury.
Neurofeedback is a powerful tool that trains the brain to improve performance and peak mental functioning. Performance can be enhanced through neurofeedback training for athletes, musicians, writers, business leaders to unleash their fullest potential. The result is greater clarity, focus, creativity, and awareness.
A learning disability is a neurological condition that affects how a person processes information and communicates. It is characterized by the inability to acquire new skills, understand complex information, and have independent living skills such as preparing meals or managing finances. Key areas of the brain communicate with one another at rapid speeds; but if the timing of this communication is off even slightly, the ability to learn can be impaired. Neurofeedback helps to reduce symptoms of learning disorders, and helps with focus, concentration, memory, and reducing stress. Neurofeedback training appears to consistently improve learning difficulties by improving connectivity and timing. The result is an improved ability to learn, which is long-lasting once patterns are established and holding.
Arukah BrainGYM Center provides an effective way to help children and adults with learning disorders through neurofeedback.
Whether it is a substance, a behavior, or an eating disorder, neurofeedback can help you self-regulate your brain, reduce cravings, and restore healthy brain functioning. People who struggle with substance use disorders often begin or continue using because they have underlying, or co-occurring symptoms related to anxiety, depression, trauma-related symptoms, or PTSD. Continued use also exacerbates the symptoms of these conditions. This can make remaining abstinent very difficult.
Can Neurofeedback Help?
Studies have shown that abstinence rates can be improved using Neurofeedback, making Neurofeedback a modality that both complements and enhances the efficacy of recovery programs for substance use disorders.
Insomnia is more than the inability to sleep. It can disrupt your daily life causing irritability, exhaustion, tiredness, and difficulty staying focused. It is also believed to be a risk factor for other diseases including obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Clinical studies have shown neurofeedback to be an effective, drugless, natural approach to insomnia, especially for people who have struggled for years. Improvement not only means that you can fall asleep and stay asleep but have improved energy, health, and wellbeing.
Migraines can be triggered by a range of causes from light sensitivity, hormonal imbalance, allergies, dehydration, and neuro-metabolic issues. The result takes a toll on your life by inhibiting your ability to focus, mood swings, and throbbing pain. Neurofeedback retrains the brain to create new patterns and responses to the incoming triggers. When balance and function are restored, the result is fewer symptoms and flare-ups.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) often occurs after a stressful or traumatic event leading to a plethora of symptoms. These symptoms range from anxiety and depression to fear, guilt and shame. PTSD is a debilitating condition where a person relives the initial traumatic experience as if it is current. The cumulative emotional toll impacts daily lives, relationships, and careers. The specific areas of the brain affected by PTSD can be targeted and retrained to produce healthier patterns. As brainwaves are improved and become balanced, overall function improves, resulting in a better mood, increased cognitive function, and improved sleep – laying the foundation to reclaim your life.
How does it work?
The goal of neurofeedback therapy is to transform unhealthy dysregulated brainwaves into a normal, healthy, and organized pattern. Through this guided exercise, the brain becomes more stable and can operate optimally and more efficiently.
The Assessment
Neurofeedback is a non-invasive and drug-free method for teaching the brain to function healthily. The initial assessment consists of connecting you to our computer by placing a cap with wires and sensors (19 electrodes) on your head to feed the electrical brainwave activity to the computer software. This monitors the frequency bands of the brain’s electrical impulses. The data from the impulses are used to generate topographic maps of electrical activity distributed across the brain. The initial assessment will consist of two sets of readings with the eyes closed and opened. Once this is completed, the information is then used to determine optimal neurofeedback protocols. An individualized treatment plan and the types of intervention, including neurofeedback, will be discussed and applied to retrain the area of brain activity requiring training.
Brain Retraining
During the training session, the patient will receive actual feedback in the form of a game, movie, or sound. Sensors will be placed on the designated training site on your scalp recording your brainwaves. The software automatically detects when your brainwaves are properly ordered and signals that information back to you in real-time. Your ability to watch or listen to the selected media is controlled by your ability to regulate your brainwaves. For example, a movie will get brighter as your brainwaves normalize and become darker during moments of dysregulation. Your brain’s natural desire to watch the movie will drive those neurological circuits to normalize allowing the picture to be displayed optimally. The more those circuits are trained will increase the opportunity for those lasting neuroplastic changes to occur.
Neurofeedback Intensives
An Intensive program enables clients to experience the benefits of Neurofeedback within a short period. This is also suitable for out-of-town clients. Intensives typically range from 7 to 10 full days, but can also be broken down into short durations to accommodate clients’ needs. Intensives involve other modalities in addition to Neurofeedback. Call or text +2348076769734 to learn more about our Intensives.